Sometimes all I need is a chance to let myself be still. Movement Medicine Calm tonight. And when the video ended, I just continued to sit in sukhasana with my hands at my heart. I really don't know how long I sat there, just breathing and being. It was beautiful.

Want to know a little secret? I don't have brilliant or amazing insights to share every day. I make most of it up as I go. Bedtime yoga tonight, because what else can you do after a full day and a massage?

Favorites and Challenges 

So I showed up for my  favourite Wednesday night yin yoga class, ready to follow our usual routine. And feeling like I needed it. So much for that. Usual teacher, still yin, but she mixed it up! Different poses, different sequence. My brain was hurting a bit. I was actually super frustrated at one point... Continue Reading →

Working Through It

I woke up this morning with what might be the worst stiff neck I've had - and this statement comes from a woman who pinched a nerve in her neck by rolling over in bed. I couldn't look any direction other than down. It was frustrating to be so stuff and in so much pain,... Continue Reading →

Show Up

That's it. That's the hardest part of yoga. To show up. Really, truly bring all of myself to the mat, to my practice. Returned to the Movement Medicine Calm video tonight, because after a lazy day I knew I needed it. Still working like a charm, challenging me, lighting a fire, and bringing me back... Continue Reading →

Guided Struggle

I really struggled to get on my mat today. And once there, I struggled again to be present, at all. I wanted to be elsewhere (in bed sleeping mostly). I was adamantly against doing any of the yoga routines I usually use when I'm distracted. So instead I chose a guided meditation. Just mindfulness meditation,... Continue Reading →

Salute the Sun

In honor of both International Day of Yoga and the summer solstice, many people did 108 sun salutations yesterday. They're all crazy. (Since it's a goal of mine, I must be crazy too...) I'm lucky to get through three sun salutes without dying. It sometimes makes me feel like I've been doing something wrong all... Continue Reading →

Studio Yoga

Tonight I went to my favorite local yoga studio for candlelight yin with my favorite local teacher. It was exactly where I needed to be after a very trying day. I smiled through much of class because I found myself trying things that I hadn't before, and succeeding in things I had been avoiding. My... Continue Reading →

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