

A brief biography of me: I live in the biggest little city in the world with my two cats, as well as an assortment of other people and animals. I love my work as a preschool teacher. I am the oldest of four children, and I am very close to my family. My discovery of yoga has been a slow process, but someday it will be part of everything I do. I find that the values and awareness, as well as the physical practice, of yoga have been the most beneficial and amazing tools I have found to heal myself and my life. I am a passionate reader of many things, and I love to get lost in a good book. I enjoy time outside, and especially snow. I do suffer from depression, and you will find that some of my posts relate to that, and to my progress toward healing. I will never be “perfect”, and that’s perfectly alright.

This blog is a collection of my thoughts, both random and pertinent. I’ve so far used it as a place to voice the things I’m not sure I want everyone in my day-to-day life to know. Perhaps someday soon I will open it up to them. Perhaps I will open up more to you, reader, and share some of the big hopes and dreams I have for how I can make a positive impact in the world. For now, enjoy little pieces of my life, and please feel free to comment on and question anything you read.

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