Taking Care of Me

Taking care of myself has rarely been enough of a priority for me. I tend to focus on the needs of others, because often they seem to be easier to address. And because I sometimes have difficulty identifying my own needs. I've really gotten tired of waiting for other people to do the same for... Continue Reading →


Ever have one of those dreams that just won't go away when you wake up? I'm dealing with that now. Been up for almost an hour and just can't get it out of my head so I can go back to sleep. It started as a new dream, with a few points of alarming clarity... Continue Reading →

Welcome Back!

Hi all. I was a tad bored this morning, so I started playing around with my blog. New theme and colors, which I mostly like. Some feedback would be great, though. Any thoughts? For example, I'm not loving that apparently you have to hover over the title area in order to clearly see it and... Continue Reading →

New Year, Not So New You

Ah, New Year's Day. The day when we all get to be shiny and new. Yesterday we promised that next year, we would be better: healthier, happier, kinder, more forgiving, more generous, more thoughtful, more organized. Today is the day most of us try our best to fulfill that promise. Tomorrow is the day most... Continue Reading →

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